Make Money

10 Ways to Make Money as a Freelance Writer

10 Ways to Make Money as a Freelance Writer

Are you interested in making money as a freelance writer? If so, you’re in luck! There are plenty of ways to make money as a freelance writer and it doesn’t take much to get started. In this blog post, we will discuss 16 creative ways to make money as a freelance writer. Whether you’re just getting started in freelance writing or have been at it for a while, you’re sure to find a few ideas here that can help you make money as a freelance writer.

1) Constant Content

Constant Content is an online marketplace for freelance writers. It enables writers to sell their articles, blog posts, e-books, and web content to buyers all over the world.
With Constant Content, you can earn up to $100 per article depending on the quality and length. When you register as a writer, you have to create your profile, which will be visible to potential buyers who visit Constant Content. You can also upload sample works for potential customers to view.
The process of writing for Constant Content is simple: After creating an account, you can start searching for writing jobs from the site’s job board or apply directly to employers looking for writers. To ensure that your content meets the quality standards of the site, it goes through a review process before being published. Once approved, you’ll be able to share your work with potential buyers who visit Constant Content.
With Constant Content, you can easily earn money by writing quality content. The more buyers that purchase your content, the more money you can make. In addition, Constant Content offers loyalty rewards to its top writers, so you can get even more money when you consistently produce high-quality work.

2) iWriter

iWriter is a great platform for freelance writers who are just starting. With iWriter, you can earn money by writing short articles for clients all over the world. All you have to do is create an account, submit a writing sample, and then start taking on projects. You’ll be able to choose from a variety of topics and you can set your rates.
You’ll also be able to keep track of your earnings, view ratings and reviews from clients, and even get paid quickly. Payment is made via PayPal or direct deposit. The minimum payout threshold is only $20 so it won’t take long to start making money on iWriter. You can also upgrade to a higher level and earn more money with bigger projects.
Overall, iWriter is a great option for anyone looking to get started in freelance writing. You don’t need any experience or qualifications to join and you can get started right away. Plus, you have the freedom to choose your rates and projects, so it’s up to you how much you make.

3) Fiverr

Fiverr is an online platform that allows freelancers to offer services starting at $5. It’s a great way for freelancers to make money writing, whether you’re just starting out or already have some experience.
When you sign up for Fiverr, you can create a profile and list the types of services you’re willing to offer. You can provide web content, articles, blog posts, copywriting services, and more. You can even add “gigs” to your profile that are priced higher than the standard $5.
To get started on Fiverr, you will need to create a profile and list your services. After that, you’ll need to be sure to market yourself and reach out to potential clients. Additionally, you can also build up your rating and reviews on the site by completing gigs quickly and to the best of your ability.
One thing to keep in mind is that while you can make a lot of money with Fiverr, it can be a bit time-consuming to set up and manage your profile. Also, you will be competing with other writers who may have more experience or better rates than you do. This means you will have to work hard to stand out and get noticed.
Overall, Fiverr is a great option for freelance writers looking to make some money quickly. It’s easy to use, and you don’t need any special qualifications or skills to get started. Just remember to put in the effort to get noticed and complete your jobs on time. With a little bit of hard work and dedication, you can make a decent amount of money from Fiverr.

4) Upwork

Upwork is one of the most popular and widely used freelance marketplaces available. It offers a variety of opportunities for freelancers to find jobs, and it also offers a wide range of projects that are open to bidders.
You can create a profile on Upwork and list your skills, experience, and expertise. This makes it easy for potential clients to find you and consider you for their projects. You can also search for jobs that match your skill set or browse the job categories.
Once you find a project that interests you, you can make a bid on it. Upwork has an Escrow feature that keeps the payment safe until the job is completed, so you won’t have to worry about not getting paid.
Upwork also has a ranking system that allows you to increase your rating and visibility on the platform. The more jobs you complete successfully, the higher your ratings will be. This can make it easier for potential clients to find you and hire you for their projects.
Overall, Upwork is a great place to find freelance writing jobs. It has a wide range of projects available, and its Escrow feature ensures that you will get paid for the work you do. With a good ranking system and a large user base, Upwork is worth checking out if you want to make money as a freelance writer.

5) Guru

Guru is an online platform that connects freelance writers with businesses looking for help with a variety of writing tasks. It’s simple to sign up as a freelancer and start browsing available projects.
Guru offers an array of different job categories, so you can easily find something that fits your interests and skills. Projects can range from creating product descriptions to ghostwriting blog posts and even editing podcasts. You’ll find jobs from all over the world on Guru, with varying levels of pay, so be sure to check out all the details before committing to anything.
When you’re ready to apply for a job, you’ll submit a proposal to the client outlining your qualifications, experience, and other details. If they like what they see, they may invite you to join their project team. Once hired, you can get started right away.
Guru makes it easy to get paid quickly, too. Clients will typically pay you through PayPal or their payment system. Payments are usually made quickly and securely, so you don’t have to worry about getting stiffed by clients or having to wait weeks to get your money.
Overall, Guru is a great way to make money as a freelance writer. It has plenty of jobs available and payments are handled quickly and securely, so it’s worth checking out if you’re in the market for some new work.

6) Crowd Content

Crowd Content is a great option for freelance writers looking to make money from their writing. It is an online content marketplace that provides writers with the opportunity to create and sell content for businesses. The platform provides access to an array of topics, including travel, lifestyle, business, technology, and more.
Crowd Content also offers various options for payment, including hourly pay, project-based payments, and royalties. Writers have the opportunity to negotiate their rates directly with clients. All payments are made through PayPal.
The platform also makes it easy for writers to find work. Writers simply sign up and begin submitting applications to projects they are interested in. Clients can then review their portfolios and assign them tasks.
In addition, Crowd Content also offers a helpful blog that provides tips and advice on how to be successful as a freelance writer. This is a great resource for any new freelancer looking to hone their skills and get the most out of their writing career.

7) Textbroker

Textbroker is a great platform for freelance writers to make money online. It’s an online marketplace for content, including blog posts, SEO articles, press releases, and more.
When you sign up for Textbroker, you’ll be asked to fill out a short questionnaire to gauge your writing skills. Once you submit the questionnaire, Textbroker assigns you a rating from 2-5 stars, depending on your experience and writing quality. The higher your rating, the better and higher-paying jobs you can apply for.
The great thing about Textbroker is that it offers both direct orders and open orders. Direct orders are given by specific clients looking for writers to complete their projects. Open orders are given by Textbroker itself, so if you’re having trouble finding work, you can always browse and apply for open orders.
The payment for each article varies greatly, depending on the client and the quality of writing required. Generally speaking, you can expect to earn anywhere between $3-$20 per 500-word article, but the rates may be lower or higher, depending on the project.
Textbroker also offers various bonuses throughout the year, such as bonus pay for orders completed promptly. You also can choose which topics you want to write about, so you can focus on what interests you most.
All in all, Textbroker is a great platform for freelance writers who are looking to make money online. It’s an easy way to find work quickly and start earning money right away.

8) The HOTH

The HOTH is a unique freelance writing platform that focuses on SEO content creation. Through their platform, you can take on jobs for businesses and websites, write articles for online magazines, and create blog posts for company websites.
The HOTH uses a proprietary system to make sure their writers are creating content that is optimized for search engine rankings. The platform allows you to choose which type of content you want to write (such as blog posts, product descriptions, or website content), and you’ll be provided with a list of keywords to use in your content to maximize its SEO value.
The HOTH offers competitive rates for quality work and pays weekly via PayPal. It also provides detailed analytics so you can track the performance of your articles and blog posts. Additionally, if you don’t want to write SEO content, you can opt to write creative content such as stories and interviews.
All in all, The HOTH is an excellent platform for freelance writers looking to make money while providing SEO-optimized content. The platform is easy to use, offers competitive rates, and provides detailed analytics to help you track the performance of your work. So if you’re looking to make some extra cash while writing quality content, give The HOTH a try.

9) Demand Studios

Demand Studios is a great platform for freelance writers to make money. It’s essentially a content mill, where writers are paid to create short pieces of content that are published on the Demand Studios website and other external sites. The pay is relatively low, with rates ranging from $15 to $50 per article depending on the length and complexity of the assignment.
If you’re interested in writing for Demand Studios, you must complete an application process and then be approved before you can begin writing. Once you are accepted, you will receive assignments directly from the editors. You must adhere to the standards for quality and formatting set by the company and you may also be asked to provide a photo or audio clip with the article.
When it comes to the topics covered on Demand Studios, they’re quite broad and encompass everything from health and wellness, to finance, to gardening and travel. Writers can also write reviews of movies, books, and restaurants. The goal of the platform is to create content that people are interested in reading and they’re always looking for new writers with fresh ideas.
Overall, Demand Studios offers freelance writers an opportunity to make some money writing short pieces of content. While the pay isn’t great, it can be a good way to make some extra money on the side if you have the time and dedication. Plus, it’s a great way to get your work out there and possibly land even better-paying gigs down the line.

10) Great Escape Publishing

If you’re interested in getting paid to travel and write about your experiences, then Great Escape Publishing is the perfect platform for you. This website is a great place for freelance writers who want to write about travel, living abroad, and more.
The great thing about Great Escape Publishing is that they provide training for new writers, so you can get started on the right foot. They also offer mentoring and other resources to help you improve your writing skills and become successful as a travel writer.
Great Escape Publishing offers two different types of gigs – short-term assignments and long-term projects. They pay per word for short-term assignments, but if you commit to a long-term project, they will offer a flat rate.
The company also has an online community that allows writers to interact and share stories, tips, and advice. You can also join their weekly newsletter to stay up to date on new assignments and opportunities.
If you’re interested in becoming a travel writer and getting paid to write about your experiences, Great Escape Publishing is worth checking out. With their helpful resources, support, and training, you could be on your way to becoming a successful travel writer in no time.